It’s not about what others are afraid of, its about what scares you. My friend loves sky diving. He learnt to manage his fear response because it was worth it for him: the adrenaline, the freedom (or some unknown psychopathology…)
I have no words to convey how minuscule my interest is in sky diving. It is only matched by the unmitigated terror I would feel. Jumping off a plane with a backpack containing what makes the difference between me, and an omelette version of me, is simply not worth it.
Courage is not about doing things others are afraid of, it is about doing what scares you. But only because it is worth it for you. Because it means something to you.
It’s not about what others deem as scary, it is about what fear you decide to deal with. Because on the other side of that fear, is perhaps something you think is worth the effort of pursuing.
As someone once told me: ‘You only get to be brave if you’re shit scared Lina’….. To which I answered ‘Dude, have you been listening to Tony Robbins lately? You sound like a Marvel movie’
What are you afraid of? Would it be worth pursuing despite the fear? Could you put all of your “What ifs” down on paper and stress test each one of them?
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#fear #skydiving #businesscoaching #trying