‘There is no right choice: decide and then, make that choice the right one’ – that’s my best attempt at translating “Il n’y a pas de choix juste. Il faut faire un choix, et le rendre juste”. This is hands down the single best piece of advice I received in the past 10 years.
When we’re stuck on a decision, its because we think there is only one good answer. One perfect solution, one right choice.
‘Shall I leave? Should I take this job? Should I start this business?’ Its very rarely black or white. Despite all the metaverse talk, life is not a video game yet.
If you’re overthinking a situation. If you’ve analysed every parameters, asked all your friends, discussed it with your therapist ad nauseum. If whenever you’re close to a decision, you go back in the loop for another round: It is worth factoring in the above statement.
Make a choice, decide, and make that choice work.
It can save you energy and time agonizing over tings…
#businesscoaching #therightchoice #twodegreeshift #metaverse