Our Services

At Two Degree Shift, we help you make better quality decisions. We aim to shift things by a mere two degrees. 


1×1 bespoke work

Typical Clients

I typically work with high functioning clients - mainly because their job requires it: financial services people, Founders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, buy-side, crypto investors.

Tailored your needs

I tailor my engagement to the client I have the privilege of working with. Every client has their quirks, uniqueness and tempo - creating their own journey. I harness tools and techniques combined with my business experience to move things forward.

Trademark Philosophy

I have no "secret" methodology that will bring about Hollywood-like transformations. What I do have is a trademark philosophy that has guaranteed results so far: reduce things down to the smallest possible first step that you can take. A step that would require very little cognitive willpower. It sounds simple. But for ambitious, intelligent, high achievers, it's not. And yet, that's where the gold is.


As I have a background in financial markets and sales, I also provide private organisations with consulting services that range from business consulting to equity related situations (VC, Accelerators etc.)

This is a bespoke service, on a case by case basis.